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[fbac@localhost ~]$ cat about.md

Hello, there! 👋🏻
My name is Borja, and I grew up surrounded by computers. The first OS I used was MS-DOS as kid, in a really old Olivetti M380 XP3 80386. I loved since the very beggining changing batch and system files, just to see what would happen if I change this thing I don't event understand. Those were fun times for my father.
Eventually I fell in love with operating systems and opensource development.
Nowadays, my key expertise areas are Red Hat OpenShift, Kubernetes, programming and automation & CI/CD. And I still love kernel and networking problems, as debugging complex low-level stuff is my main passion.
My current role is Principal Software Engineer@Red Hat, where I'm mainly focused in the architecture and developing of software pieces focused in OpenShift, Kubernetes, container runtimes, bugfixing and contributing in whatever project I stumble upon.
I guess I just perform some software engineer stuff.
[fbac@localhost ~]$ cat skills.yaml
apiVersion: v1 kind: Person metadata: name: Borja role: Open Source Software Engineer skills: gnu/linux: kernel: skillLevel: high interestLevel: high knowledgeIn: - lowLevelDebugging - developingModules operating-system: skillLevel: high interestLevel: high knowledgeIn: - installing - configuring - managing - shellScripting networking: skillLevel: medium interestLevel: high knowledgeIn: tcp/ip: true knowledge: - routing - switching - netfilter - iptables debugging: wireshark: true tshark: true openShift-and-kubernetes: skillLevel: high interestLevel: high knowledgeIn: - installing - configuring - day2operations - migratingWorkloads - automatingWorkloads - CI/CD programmingLanguages: skillLevel: high interestLevel: high languages: current: [go, python] used: [c, java] interestedIn: rust debugging: debuggers: true compilers: true automation: skillLevel: medium interestLevel: medium tools: ansible: true puppet: true ci/cd: skillLevel: medium interestLevel: medium tools: githubActions: true jenkins: true otherSkills: - "strong development workflow skills" - "team-player who loves interesting discussions and multiple opinions" - "fast and *REALLY AVID* learner" - "curious by nature, constantly reading and learning" - "self-improvement as a way of life"
[fbac@localhost ~]$ cat hobbies.md
In my free time I like to...
- Spend time with my wife, son and family is my key priority!
- Healthy living: gym rat, meditation, hiking and dieting with a goal in mind.
- Board games: wargaming, strategy, horror or dungeon crawlers... I'm just addicted to them all.
- Video games: currently playing Dead Cells.
- Learning and hacking: I just can't stop and whenever I have some free time I continue my learning process. Currently learning Rust.
[fbac@localhost ~]$ logout